Kaufman 4H
Kaufman 4-H held a craft night on Friday 17th.  We had 9 youth attend.  We made pizzas, played games and completed several crafts.  The kids painted small race cars and trucks, made Mod-Pog picture frames, made friendship bracelets, and designed and painted shirts.  We had a great time.  We also had several games.  Be sure to check out the "craft night" pictures on the web page to see how much fun we had.  Thanks Kids, for having fun with me!!!  Disclaimer--I am not responsible if your child attended and they still have marshmellow stuck to their forehead...that stuff just doesn't wash off. lol

We had a great meeting last night.  Pandora Feller Bonner was our guest speaker and she did a great presentation on Cpr and First Aid.  Our new President and Secretary handled the meeting and did a wonderful job.  Great leadership Ladies.
Open for discussion was what to do for "A Day in 4-H" which is a day to give back to our community.  The club decided to plant flowers at the park area around the square on that day.  We hope that this will benefit the entire community and be something pretty to look at.
Our Club is growing rapidly, we had 5 new members join last night!!!!  If you don't have anything to do Friday night, come to the extension office and join us for our Craft Night.  Cos

Our club will be hosting a "Craft Nite", September 17th from 7:00 pm. to 11:00 pm at the County Extension office.  Anyone interested in coming, please call the extension office to reserve your spot.  Cost for the night is $12.000.  Open to the first 20 kids.  We will be making crafts, making our own pizzas and having lots of fun!!!!!
Kaufman 4H Club